Listen to Dr. Vliet On:

Vive ! Life Center


Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. in the Media

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD

Dr. Vliet on the Radio

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on "The Mike Church Show, October 2, 2014.

Issues w/Ebola Patient in Dallas


Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on "The Right Side Radio" with Reid L. Rosenthal on August 31, 2013.

Dr. Vliet's Interview by Reid Rosenthal


Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's "Going to the Doctor? - Got your Passport?" presented at the Women in Leadership luncheon, April 12, 2013, Tucson Arizona:

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's "Medicaid Expansion Erodes Individual Initiative and Liberty" on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, February 3, 2013):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube


Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's "The 2010 Health Care Law's War on Women" on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, October 21, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's "Stopping the Attacks on Patients and Their Physicians" on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, October 7, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on "Dresser After Dark" aired on September 13, 2012 dealing with "The Real War on Women"

Dresser After Dark

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's 2010 Healthcare Law Clauses that Can Kill You and Sacrifice Your Liberty Liberty on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, September 9, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube


Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's 2010 Healthcare Law Exchanges Undermine Liberty on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, August 19, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's Supreme Court Decision Special on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, July 1, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet's Mother's Day Special on the radio talk show, "America's Fabric" on KVOI (Aired Sunday, May 13, 2012):

KVOI Radio

Or Click to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on The Sean Hannity Show -- Freedom allows the most Medical Care options and Best Results -- Socialism Fails:
                                                 April 24, 2012


                           Or Click here to listen on YouTube

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on the Dan Rea Show about Two Years of False Promises from the Health Care Law:
                                                 March 21, 2012

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s Show about Medicine in Colonial America
on America's Fabric Radio Show
                                                 March 11, 2012

                                                December 14, 2011

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s interview on Life Style Talk Radio

10/12/10 - Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s on KSNT Talk Radio

10/09/10 - 7pm - Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s on KFYI Radio

10/09/10 - 8pm - Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s on KFYI Radio

FOX 4 (Dallas)
See Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet’s FOX 4 “Good Day” interview regarding the recent controversy surrounding hormone replacement therapy (11.6 MB MP3 file).

Health Matters with Dr. Dawn Motyka
In this radio interview, Dr. Vliet discusses to connections between hormones and many common women’s health problems (streaming audio file).

From Fatigued To Fantastic — 1998
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's interview with Dr. Vliet explores the role of estrogen and testosterone deficiency in

Power Surge Chat
Dr. Vliet answers questions about hormone replacement, thyroid problems, diet and nutrition, and more, in this informative chat.

Power Surge Chat
In-depth chat with Dr. Vliet during which many chat visitors' questions about hormones, menopause and wellness are answered.

Power Surge Chat -- June 15, 1997
Another detailed and lively chat with Dr. Vliet during which many chat visitors' questions about hormones, menopause and wellness are explored.

Dr. Vliet on Television

Fox News -- Sunday, October 30, 2011 - Privacy Concerns

Fox News -- Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fox News -- Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dr. Vliet with Stuart Varney (audio only)

Dr. Vliet in Print

Hot Flash HAVOC News Letter, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012

Wall Street Journal, Oct. 12, 2010